Wednesday 23 July 2014

View, Dimension & Lineweight

We learnt about Line, Dimension and Lineweight.
I dont really understand it at first.
But after having more exercises and explaning from Ms Intan and Su Wah..
I got it =)
And here's my Visual Diary of the day.

1st visual diary of this lecture in class..
top view, side view and front view.
2nd visual diary in class
3rd visual diary in class
more and more understading about that.
Orthographic Projection- Chairs
-3D view
-Front Elevation
-Left Side Elevation
-Right Side Elevation
-Rear Elevation
Orthographic Projection- Drawing Table
-3D view
-Front Elevation
-Left Side Elevation
-Right Side Elevation
-Rear Elevation
And the last one-Cabinet with open door
-3D view
-Front Elevation
-Left Side Elevation
-Right Side Elevation
-Rear Elevation

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